1-31-95 -=-=-=-=- LORD 3.25 WIDE BETA is released with the following changes. * Game can be finished! * MAIL.DAX missing error fixed * Added "In Game 3rd Party Module" support * Lots of new mail codes - for 3rdparty developers * LORDSTRC.PAS included with this archive now * The Bard can be married * Players can marry other players * (C)onjugality list keeps track of marrages * Colors can be used in names * Added commas to rankings * New intros * Fairy Event added * You can own a horse * LORDBOOT.EXE created * Hit (E) from the main menu for Expert Mode * Hit 3 to toggle ANSI * Oh, ASCII support now actually works - 315+ had lost it somehow * START.BAT included <- You MUST use this to execute LORD now! * 89 misspellings fixed. (Thanks Kitty!) * 3 files are now Read Only, this fixes file locking problems with Lantastic